10 Back-to-school memes every parent must see!

10 Back-to-school memes every parent must see!

10 Back-to-school memes every parent must see!

Well, summer is over and boy, aren’t we glad! So, in honouring the back-to-school season, we’re celebrating with you a compilation of memes you can share with fellow parents, your friends and colleagues. Here we go…

1. What a relief! We finally did it!!!

2. Aaw don’t we all cry…

3. High five honey! Summer is over!!!

4. Well, aren’t you missing them already…

5. Exactly!

6. And the happiest goes to…

7. At the end of summer, parents scored 1, and children scored 0…

8. We know right?

9. Mums can  definitely relate!

10. Sorry kiddo, you need to go!