Back To School: Riding the Roller coaster of Feels After the Holiday Break

Back To School: Riding the Roller coaster of Feels After the Holiday Break

Back To School: Riding the Roller coaster of Feels After the Holiday Break

2024 made quite the statement— starting on a Monday and screaming ‘I am all business but be certain I will sprinkle in some sassy charm too’.

All too soon, the once vibrant festive glow is gradually dimming. Tinsels and Christmas trees have been reluctantly crammed into storage. Huge utensils have gracefully returned to their respective spots, while Tupperware stands tall, overflowing with leftovers from the season.

We’ve bid farewell to those cousins we adore but low-key can’t wait to see them pack their bags, and those nosy family members whose hands mysteriously find their way into all the wrong cookie jars. 

As the lingering echoes of carols fade from our collective minds, a universal scenario unfolds – students worldwide find themselves at the crossroads of holiday bliss and academic reality.

The return to school after the Christmas break is always a cocktail of emotions, a composition of moods that paint the school environment with hues of enthusiasm, reluctance, and everything in between. 

Ecole Ronsard is not an exception as this new term begins, we have had our fair share of diverse emotions, looming in the school’s environment. 

School officially resumed five days ago, and it was a delight to witness students briskly walking through the gate with a level of enthusiasm that’s not just contagious but downright adorable.

One quick look at them, and you might conclude that they spent the entire holiday break rehearsing their grand entrance routine. All they wield is determination to conquer the upcoming academic term, and of course, a tale or two of their holiday escapades. Their exuberance is so tangible that it’s impossible not to be swept up. 

On the flip side of the back-to-school coin are those who returned to school like it’s a Monday morning after a weekend of Netflix binging.

The allure of a cosy bed, leisurely afternoons and the sweet taste of personal freedom instantly collide head-on with the structured school schedule right before their very eyes.

With these, no celestial prowess is needed to tell that they’ve dragged themselves back to school with what can only be described as a holiday hangover.

The transition from leisurely mornings to early classes is just not working for them and although they are not shouting it from the rooftops, there’s an unspoken sentiment that the school vibe is not quite hitting the right note— at least, not just yet! 

The scholarly champions, lacking a more befitting title, were not missing from the scene.

These returned completely prepared to begin the term. You could tell the Christmas vacation was only a period of reflection, and they have now set high objectives, resolving to overcome academic hurdles and personal milestones.

With textbooks in hand and minds prepped for schoolwork, the scholarly champions return to school with firm determination. Even the air around them vibrates with intellectual energy. For this lot, the school environment will serve as a canvas for their hopes and aspirations. 

For others, returning to school has always been more than a reunion with textbooks and classrooms; it is a joyful homecoming to their friends, teachers, and the relationships they have formed.

This was evident in the reassuring hugs offered, the smiling faces that encountered one other, and the interchange of conversations that created a lively atmosphere. 

The array of emotions and attitudes encountered in this new year, particularly this term, seems boundless.

However, what we’ve grown to appreciate and acknowledge is that coming back to school after the Christmas break is an intricate assortment of personalities and perspectives.

From the thrill of new beginnings to the quiet introspection of continuity, each student contributes their thread to the story.

The school environment, a living, breathing entity, changes with the rise and fall of these various moods, providing a dynamic backdrop for the shared adventure of human growth, learning, and resilience. 

It’s official, folks: we are back like we never left. School is in full session, and we’ve wrapped up the first week with a neat bow.

With 11 more weeks ahead, buckle up for the academic journey champions. Wishing each of you the very best this term!